Table of Contents
The price lists in foreknown allow you to manage individual prices for service types such as developer, project manager per customer in order to use them in offers and orders. This ensures that always the agreed hourly or daily rates are used for new offers and orders.

The management of price lists is accessible via the menu item "Offers & Orders / Price Lists" for users with the "Accountant" role.
Management of Price Lists
The list of all price lists is displayed via the navigation item "Offers & Orders / Price Lists". The following functions are available for managing the price lists:
- Search: A search term can be entered via the search field above the list, which reduces the list of price lists to the entries that contain the search term in their name.
- New: The "Create Price List" dialog opens via the "New" button to the right of the search field, which allows you to enter the master data (customer, name, description, status).
- Filter: The list of price lists can be filtered by customer and status. To do this, the filter dialog is opened via the button with the three dashes at the top left and then select the desired customer or status.
- Sort: The list of price lists can be sorted by name in ascending or descending order.
- Scroll: The list of price lists can be scrolled through using the standard paging functionality and the number of entries per page can be changed.
Every price list entry of the list has an action menu with following actions:
- Set as default: A price list can be set as default for each customer via the action menu with the action "Set as default". This means that this price list is already preselected when offers and orders are created for the related customer.
- Remove default: Removes the default flag from a price list.
- Edit Price List: With this action or by clicking on the desired entry the detailed view for the selected price list can be opened.
- Delete Price List: A price list can be deleted via this action. A dialog appears to confirm the deletion process again.
Detailed View
If you have selected a price list for editing via the list, all master data and the assigned service types are made available for editing in the detailed view.

The master data is displayed at the top of the dialog, which can be edited in a pop-up dialog using the button with the pencil symbol.
- Name: Unique name per customer for a price list. This name appears on offers and orders where a price list can be selected.
- Description: Optionally, a description text can be entered, e.g. to describe the purpose of the price list.
- Customer: Each price list must be assigned to a customer. A customer can have multiple price lists.
- Default: Indicates whether the price list has been set as default price list for the customer.
- Status: Indicates whether a price list is active or inactive. Only active price lists can be used for new offers and orders.
Note: A price list can only be set as the default price list for a customer via the list dialog of price lists with the action "Set as default".
All assigned service types for which a different price has been set are listed below the master data. This list displays the following information:
- Name: Shows the name assigned to the service type in the price list. This can be different from the name of the underlying service type, which is shown in grey below.
- Hourly Rate: Shows the changed and the original hourly rate for a service type.
- Daily Rate: Shows the changed and the original daily rate for a service type.
The "Add Service Type" action can be used to add further service types to the price list. This opens a dialog in which a service type is selected first. With the selection, the subsequent fields "Name" and "Bill Rate" are pre-assigned with the values of the service type. The adjustments can then be made to reflect the individual prices for a customer. Click "Save" to add a new service type.
Each service type in the list has an action menu with the following actions:
- Edit Service Type: This action opens the "Update Service Type" dialog, which can be used to change all settings including the selected service type.
- Remove Service Type: This action removes the service type from the price list and the settings under "Billing / Service Types" apply again.