A new version 1.14 of foreknown has been released. Below you can find all the details about this version:

New features

  • (FKE-330) Projects: New tab "Overview" with a list of required activities.
  • (FKE-349) Projects: On the "Overview" tab, per "standard label" e.g. Epic:, Sprint:, ... grouped by task status show quantities with links to task lists.

General improvements

The following improvements have been implemented in the foreknown activity transfer:

  • (FKE-337) Action menu of the list added the action "Transfer service entry manually".
  • (FKE-343) Added action "Apply rules" to action menus (entry & list).
  • (FKE-344) New selection dialog at "Apply rules" to determine the amount of working hours.
  • (FKE-346) Added new filter by labels of working times.
  • (FKE-341) Project managers can now use the dialogs Service Transfer, Services and Rules in the context of their projects.